Split Array of Objects from MQTT into DynamoDB with IoTCore Rule: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Taya - hkhazo.biz.id

Split Array of Objects from MQTT into DynamoDB with IoTCore Rule: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to split arrays of objects from MQTT into DynamoDB using IoTCore rules? Do you wish there was a simpler way to process and store your IoT data? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of IoTCore rules and show you how to effortlessly split arrays of objects from MQTT into DynamoDB.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • AWS IoT Core account
  • DynamoDB table created
  • MQTT client publishing data to IoT Core
  • Basic understanding of IoTCore rules and DynamoDB

The Problem: Unprocessed MQTT Data

Let’s face it – dealing with unprocessed MQTT data can be a nightmare. Imagine receiving an array of objects from your MQTT client, only to find out that you need to process and store each object individually in DynamoDB. Sounds like a tedious task, right? That’s where IoTCore rules come in – to save the day!

What are IoTCore Rules?

IotCore rules are a powerful feature in AWS IoT Core that allow you to process and transform IoT data in real-time. With rules, you can filter, transform, and route your IoT data to various AWS services, including DynamoDB. In this article, we’ll focus on using IoTCore rules to split arrays of objects from MQTT and store them in DynamoDB.

Creating an IoTCore Rule

Let’s create an IoTCore rule to process our MQTT data. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your AWS IoT Core console and navigate to the “Act” section.
  2. Click on “Create a rule” and choose “Custom rule”.
  3. Give your rule a name, e.g., “Split MQTT Array to DynamoDB”.
  4. In the “Rule query statement” field, enter the following:
    `SELECT * FROM 'my_mqtt_topic'`
  5. Replace “my_mqtt_topic” with the name of your MQTT topic.
  6. Click “Create rule” to save your rule.

The Magic Happens: Splitting the Array

Now that we have our IoTCore rule created, it’s time to write the magic code that will split our array of objects from MQTT. In the “Actions” section of your rule, click on “Add action” and choose “Split message into multiple messages”.

In the “Split message” section, enter the following code:

`{{ payload | splitpcm(., '.') }}`

This code uses the `splitpcm` function to split the array of objects into individual messages. The `.` notation indicates that we want to split the array into separate messages.

Processing Each Object with IoTCore SQL

Now that we’ve split our array into individual messages, we can process each object using IoTCore SQL. In the “Actions” section, click on “Add action” and choose “Transform message”.

In the “Message transformation” section, enter the following code:

`INSERT INTO 'my_dynamodb_table'
  (id, name, value)
  ($ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.id.S,
   $ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.name.S,
   $ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.value.N)'

This code uses IoTCore SQL to insert each object into our DynamoDB table. Make sure to replace “my_dynamodb_table” with the name of your DynamoDB table.

Putting it All Together

Now that we have our IoTCore rule created and our array splitting and processing code written, it’s time to put it all together. In the “Actions” section, click on “Add action” and choose “Send message to DynamoDB”.

Select your DynamoDB table and choose the “PutItem” operation. In the “Request template” section, enter the following code:

  "TableName": "my_dynamodb_table",
  "Item": {
    "id": {
      "S": "$ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.id.S"
    "name": {
      "S": "$ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.name.S"
    "value": {
      "N": "$ Amazon DynamoDB.StreamRecord.dynamodb.NewImage.Attributes.value.N"

This code sends each processed object to our DynamoDB table.

Testing and Deployment

It’s time to test our IoTCore rule and see if it’s working as expected. Publish an array of objects to your MQTT topic and verify that each object is being processed and stored in your DynamoDB table.

Once you’ve verified that everything is working correctly, you can deploy your IoTCore rule to production.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to split an array of objects from MQTT into DynamoDB using IoTCore rules. With this powerful combination, you can process and store your IoT data in real-time, unlocking new insights and possibilities for your business.

Bonus Section: Troubleshooting Tips

We’ve all been there – stuck in a debugging nightmare, wondering why our IoTCore rule isn’t working as expected. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Check your MQTT topic and ensure that it’s configured correctly.
  • Verify that your DynamoDB table is created and configured correctly.
  • Use the IoTCore console to debug your rule and identify any errors.
  • Test your rule with a sample payload to ensure it’s working correctly.
MQTT Topic DynamoDB Table IoTCore Rule
my_mqtt_topic my_dynamodb_table Split MQTT Array to DynamoDB

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of splitting an array of objects from MQTT into DynamoDB using IoTCore rules. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about splitting arrays of objects from MQTT into DynamoDB with IoT Core rule!

Can I split an array of objects from MQTT into separate records in DynamoDB using IoT Core rule?

Yes, you can! IoT Core rule allows you to process and transform MQTT messages before sending them to DynamoDB. You can use a JSON transformation to split the array of objects into individual records, and then use the `PutItem` action to write each record to DynamoDB.

How do I specify the JSON transformation in IoT Core rule to split the array of objects?

You can specify a JSON transformation in the IoT Core rule using the `SELECT` statement. For example, if your MQTT message contains an array of objects called `devices`, you can use the following JSON transformation to split it into individual records: `SELECT device FROM devices AS device`. This will create a separate record for each object in the array.

Can I use IoT Core rule to filter out certain objects from the array before writing them to DynamoDB?

Absolutely! IoT Core rule allows you to apply filters and conditions to the JSON transformation. For example, you can use a `WHERE` clause to filter out objects that don’t meet certain criteria, such as `WHERE device.temperature > 20`. This ensures that only the objects that meet the condition are written to DynamoDB.

How do I handle errors and exceptions when splitting the array of objects in IoT Core rule?

IoT Core rule provides built-in error handling mechanisms, such as ` onError` actions, that allow you to specify what to do when an error occurs during the processing of the MQTT message. You can also use `try-catch` blocks to catch and handle specific exceptions. Additionally, you can configure alerts and notifications to notify you of any errors or exceptions that occur during the processing of the MQTT message.

Can I use IoT Core rule to transform the data from the array of objects before writing it to DynamoDB?

Yes, you can! IoT Core rule allows you to apply transformations and mappings to the data from the array of objects before writing it to DynamoDB. For example, you can use the `FORMAT` function to format the data, or the `MAP` function to map the data to a different format. This allows you to transform the data in real-time as it flows from the MQTT message to DynamoDB.