EntityFramework: The Great Deceiver – When EF Pretends to Have Updated a Row but Doesn’t
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EntityFramework: The Great Deceiver – When EF Pretends to Have Updated a Row but Doesn’t

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Have you ever experienced the frustration of knowing that your EntityFramework (EF) code is correct, yet the changes you made to a row in your database don’t seem to stick? You’ve double-checked your code, triple-checked your database, and still, the changes are nowhere to be found. It’s as if EF is playing a cruel trick on you, pretending to have updated the row but leaving it unchanged. Fear not, dear developer, for you are not alone in this struggle. In this article, we’ll delve into the mystery of why EF sometimes pretends to have updated a row but doesn’t, and more importantly, how to fix it.

The Illusion of Updates

When you update a row using EF, you expect the changes to be persisted to the database. However, in some cases, EF might lead you to believe that the update was successful when, in reality, nothing has changed. This illusion can be attributed to a few reasons, including:

  • Incorrect Change Tracking: EF uses a change tracker to keep track of modifications made to entities. If the change tracker is not properly configured or if there are issues with the entity’s state, EF might not persist the changes to the database.
  • Lazy Loading: When EF uses lazy loading, it might not load the entire entity graph, leading to incomplete or incorrect updates.
  • Disconnected Entities: If an entity is disconnected from the context, EF might not be able to track changes or persist updates to the database.
  • Database Connection Issues: Network connectivity problems or database connection limitations can cause EF to fail to update the row, even if the code appears to be correct.

The Detection of Deception

So, how do you know if EF is pretending to have updated a row but didn’t? Here are some common signs to look out for:

  1. No changes in the database: The most obvious sign is that the changes you made to the row are not reflected in the database.
  2. EF returns a successful update result: EF might return a success result, indicating that the update was successful, even if it didn’t actually update the row.
  3. No exceptions thrown: EF might not throw any exceptions, making it difficult to detect the issue.
  4. Context.SaveChanges() returns 0: If you’re using the SaveChanges() method, it might return 0, indicating that no changes were made to the database.

Unmasking the Deception

Now that we’ve identified the signs of EF’s deception, let’s get down to business and resolve the issue. Here are some steps to help you uncover and fix the problem:

Step 1: Enable EF Logging

One of the most effective ways to diagnose the issue is to enable EF logging. You can do this by adding the following code to your EF configuration:

public DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> BuildDbContextOptions(string connectionString)
    return SqlServerDbContextOptionsExtensions.UseSqlServer(
        new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>().Options,

This will enable detailed logging, which can help you identify the issue.

Step 2: Verify Change Tracking

Check your entity’s state by using the DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries method:

var entity = dbContext.Set<MyEntity>().Find(id);
// Make changes to the entity
dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries<MyEntity>().Single(e => e.Entity == entity); 
//entity.State == EntityState.Modified should be true

This will ensure that the entity’s state is correctly set to EntityState.Modified.

Step 3: Force Reload of Entity Graph

If you’re using lazy loading, try forcing a reload of the entity graph:

var entity = dbContext.Set<MyEntity>().Find(id);
// Make changes to the entity

This can help ensure that the entire entity graph is loaded, preventing incomplete updates.

Step 4: Verify Database Connection

Check your database connection to ensure it’s not the culprit:

using (var dbContext = new MyDbContext())
    // Make changes to the entity

This will explicitly open the database connection and test it.

EF, Thy Deception is No More!

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the issue that’s causing EF to pretend to have updated a row but didn’t. Remember, EF is a powerful tool, but it’s not infallible. By being aware of its limitations and using the techniques outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most stubborn issues.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious phenomenon of EF pretending to have updated a row but didn’t. We’ve discussed the common signs of this deception, the potential causes, and most importantly, the steps to detect and fix the issue. By applying these techniques, you’ll be able to overcome the challenges of working with EF and ensure that your updates are persisted to the database.

Common Causes Solution
Incorrect Change Tracking Verify entity’s state using DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries
Lazy Loading Force reload of entity graph using DbContext.Entry(entity).Reload()
Disconnected Entities Verify entity’s state and use DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified
Database Connection Issues Verify database connection using dbContext.Database.Connection.Open()

Remember, EF is a powerful tool, but it requires careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of its inner workings. By being aware of its limitations and using the techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to overcome the challenges of working with EF and ensure that your updates are persisted to the database.

Here are 5 questions and answers about “EntityFramework pretends to have updated a row but it doesn’t” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on EntityFramework’s sneaky behavior!

Why does EntityFramework claim to have updated a row, but nothing changes?

This might happen when EntityFramework’s change tracker gets out of sync with the database. Try calling `SaveChanges` with the `AcceptAllChangesAfterSave` parameter set to `false`, and then call `Refresh` on the `ObjectContext` to reload the data. This should fix the issue!

Is it possible that EntityFramework is not actually updating the database?

You bet! If you’re using a transaction, make sure it’s being committed. Also, check if the `Update` method is being called correctly, and that the entity’s state is set to `Modified`. Finally, verify that the database connection is stable and not timing out.

Can I use debugging tools to figure out what’s going on?

Absolutely! You can use tools like SQL Server Profiler or Entity Framework’s built-in logging and tracing features to see what’s happening under the hood. This will help you identify if the update is being sent to the database and what’s going wrong.

Are there any common mistakes that could cause this issue?

Yes! One common mistake is not calling `SaveChanges` after making changes to an entity. Another mistake is not setting the entity’s state to `Modified` before calling `SaveChanges`. Make sure to double-check your code for these errors!

Is there a way to avoid this issue altogether?

The best way to avoid this issue is to use the `Attach` method to attach the entity to the context, and then set its state to `Modified`. This ensures that EntityFramework tracks the changes correctly and updates the database accordingly.