Matplotlib fig.savefig(): The Great μ Conundrum – Sizing Issues in Vector Graphics
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Matplotlib fig.savefig(): The Great μ Conundrum – Sizing Issues in Vector Graphics

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Matplotlib, the beloved Python plotting library, is renowned for its flexibility and customization options. However, even the most seasoned developers can stumble upon peculiar issues. One such peculiarity is the misbehavior of the μ (mu) symbol in labels when saving figures to vector graphics using `fig.savefig()`. In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this issue, explore its causes, and provide a comprehensive guide on how to tackle it.

The Problem: μ in Labels Gone Wrong

When creating plots with labels containing the μ symbol, you might notice that the font size and proportions are severely distorted after saving the figure to a vector graphic format like PDF, SVG, or EPS. This anomaly can be frustrating, especially when working with precise scientific or technical visualizations.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([1, 2, 3])
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mu$m')  # μ symbol in label


Fig. 1: Distorted μ symbol in label after saving to PDF

Understanding the Root Cause

The issue stems from the way Matplotlib handles font rendering in vector graphics. When saving a figure, Matplotlib uses the TeX typesetting system to render mathematical expressions, including Greek symbols like μ. However, TeX has its own set of font metrics, which can lead to inconsistencies with the original font used in the plot.

Workarounds and Solutions

Fear not, dear reader! We’ve got you covered with a range of solutions to tackle this μ-sized problem:

Solution 1: Use Unicode Characters

Instead of using TeX notation (`r’$\mu$m’`) for the μ symbol, you can employ the Unicode character U+00B5 (μ) directly in your label string. This bypasses TeX rendering and preserves the original font metrics:

ax.set_xlabel('μm')  # Unicode character U+00B5

Fig. 2: Correct μ symbol in label using Unicode character

Solution 2: Specify Font Family and Size

By explicitly setting the font family and size for the label, you can ensure consistency across different output formats:

ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mu$m', fontsize=12, family='DejaVu Sans')

Fig. 3: Correct μ symbol in label with specified font family and size

Solution 3: Use Matplotlib’s `usetex` Parameter

By setting `usetex=True` when creating the figure, you can enable Matplotlib’s TeX rendering mode. This will use the TeX fonts and metrics, ensuring consistency with vector graphics:

import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Fig. 4: Correct μ symbol in label using usetex parameter

Solution 4: Post-processing with Fonts

If you’re comfortable with command-line tools and font manipulation, you can use the `pdftops` utility to fix the font rendering after saving the figure:

pdftops -eps mu_label_error.pdf mu_label_fixed.eps

This method requires installing the `pdftops` tool and may require additional font configurations.


The μ symbol’s misbehavior in Matplotlib’s `fig.savefig()` can be overcome with a combination of creativity and technical finesse. By understanding the underlying causes and employing the workarounds outlined above, you can ensure precise and visually appealing plots in vector graphics.

Remember, when working with Matplotlib, it’s essential to stay vigilant and adapt to the intricacies of font rendering. With practice and patience, you’ll master the art of creating stunning, distortion-free plots that showcase your μ-umental skills!

Additional Resources

Solution Advantages Disadvantages
Unicode Characters Easiest to implement, no additional dependencies Limited to Unicode characters, may not work with all fonts
Specify Font Family and Size Provides explicit control over font rendering Requires font knowledge, may not work with all plots
Use Matplotlib’s `usetex` Parameter Enables TeX rendering, consistent with vector graphics Requires TeX installation, may slow down rendering
Post-processing with Fonts Offers precise font control, flexible solution Requires command-line tools, font knowledge, and configuration

By mastering the nuances of Matplotlib’s `fig.savefig()` and employing these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, μ-precise plots that impress!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Matplotlib’s fig.savefig() and those pesky μ labels!

Why do μ labels appear distorted when saving to a vector graphic using fig.savefig()?

This occurs because Matplotlib uses a different font in vector graphics than it does in raster graphics. The μ symbol is often displayed incorrectly due to font inconsistencies. To fix this, use the `usetex` option in your rcParams or use a font that supports the μ character.

How can I ensure that my μ labels are displayed correctly in both raster and vector graphics?

You can use the `mathtext` font, which is designed to display mathematical symbols accurately. To do this, use the `matplotlib.rc` function to set the `mathtext.fontset` parameter to `’stix’` or `’cm’`. This will ensure that your μ labels appear correctly in both raster and vector graphics.

What’s the difference between `usetex` and `mathtext` in Matplotlib?

`usetex` uses LaTeX to render text, which provides high-quality output but can be slow. `mathtext`, on the other hand, uses Matplotlib’s built-in math rendering engine, which is faster but may not be as accurate. If you need high-quality μ labels, use `usetex`. If speed is a concern, use `mathtext`.

Can I use a specific font to display μ labels in my Matplotlib plot?

Yes, you can! Use the `fontproperties` parameter when creating your text label to specify a font that supports the μ character. For example, you can use the `DejaVu Sans` font, which is a commonly used font in Matplotlib. Just be sure to install the font on your system first.

Are there any other considerations when working with μ labels in Matplotlib?

Yes! When working with μ labels, make sure to check your figure’s DPI (dots per inch) setting, as high DPI values can cause issues with font rendering. Additionally, be mindful of the size of your μ labels, as large labels can become distorted. Finally, test your plots in different renderers and backends to ensure that your μ labels appear correctly.