Unlocking the Power of Regular Expressions: Finding Patterns in the Same Word
Image by Taya - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Regular Expressions: Finding Patterns in the Same Word

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If you’re a developer, data analyst, or simply a wordsmith, you know the importance of extracting insights from text data. One powerful tool in your arsenal is the regular expression, a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of regular expressions and explore how to find patterns in the same word.

What are Regular Expressions?

A regular expression, or regex, is a string of characters that defines a search pattern. It’s a way to describe a set of strings that match a certain pattern, making it a powerful tool for text manipulation and data extraction. Regex is used in various programming languages, text editors, and command-line tools to find, validate, and extract data.

Basic Regex Concepts

Before diving into finding patterns in the same word, let’s cover some basic regex concepts:

  • . (dot): matches any single character
  • * (star): matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern
  • + (plus): matches one or more occurrences of the preceding pattern
  • ? (question mark): makes the preceding pattern optional
  • [abc] (character class): matches any single character within the brackets
  • \ (backslash): escapes special characters and denotes a literal character

Finding Patterns in the Same Word

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore how to find patterns in the same word using regular expressions.

Example 1: Repeating Characters

Suppose we want to find words that contain three identical consecutive characters. For example, “bookkeeper” contains the sequence “kee”. We can use the following regex pattern:


Let’s break it down:

  • \b: word boundary (ensures we’re matching whole words)
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters (letters, digits, or underscores)
  • (\w): captures a single word character (group 1)
  • \1\1: matches the same character as group 1 twice
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters
  • \b: word boundary

Example 2: Consecutive Vowels

Let’s say we want to find words that contain two consecutive vowels. We can use the following regex pattern:


Here’s how it works:

  • \b: word boundary
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters
  • [aeiouAEIOU]{2}: matches exactly two consecutive vowels (both lowercase and uppercase)
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters
  • \b: word boundary

Example 3: Palindromic Substrings

Suppose we want to find words that contain a palindromic substring of length 3 or more. We can use the following regex pattern:


Here’s the explanation:

  • \b: word boundary
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters
  • (\w{2,}): captures a sequence of 2 or more word characters (group 1)
  • \1: matches the same sequence as group 1 (ensuring it’s a palindrome)
  • \w*: matches zero or more word characters
  • \b: word boundary

Using Regex in Practice

Now that we’ve explored some examples, let’s discuss how to use regex in practice.

Regex in Programming Languages

Most programming languages have built-in support for regex. Here are some examples:

Language Regex Example
JavaScript const regex = /\b\w*(\w)\1\1\w*\b/;
Python import re; regex = r'\b\w*(\w)\1\1\w*\b'
Java Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w*(\\w)\\1\\1\\w*\\b");

Regex in Text Editors

Many text editors, including Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom, support regex searches.

Regex in Command-Line Tools

Tools like `grep` and `sed` allow you to use regex patterns to search and manipulate text.

Best Practices and Tools

When working with regex, it’s essential to follow best practices and use the right tools:

  • Test and debug your regex patterns: Use online regex testers or tools like Regex101 to ensure your patterns work as expected.
  • Use regex flavors: Familiarize yourself with the specific regex flavor used in your programming language or text editor.
  • Keep it simple and readable: Break down complex patterns into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Document your regex patterns: Comment your code or patterns to make them easier to understand and maintain.


Regular expressions are a powerful tool for finding patterns in text data. By mastering the basics and exploring advanced concepts like finding patterns in the same word, you can unlock new insights and capabilities in your work. Remember to practice, test, and debug your regex patterns, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help or resources when needed.

Happy regex-ing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Regular expressions can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about finding patterns in the same word using regular expressions.

How do I find a pattern that appears twice in the same word?

You can use a capturing group and a backreference to achieve this. For example, the regex `(\w)\1` will match any word that has a repeated character. The `()` creates a capturing group, and the `\1` is a backreference to that group.

Can I find a pattern that appears at the start and end of the same word?

Yes, you can use an anchor and a lookahead assertion to achieve this. For example, the regex `^(\w).*\1$` will match any word that starts and ends with the same character. The `^` anchor matches the start of the string, the `(\w)` creates a capturing group, and the `.*` matches any characters in between, and the `\1$` is a backreference to the capturing group at the end of the string.

How do I find a pattern that appears a certain number of times in the same word?

You can use a quantifier to specify the number of times the pattern should appear. For example, the regex `(\w){3,5}` will match any word that contains a character that appears between 3 and 5 times. The `{3,5}` is a quantifier that specifies the range of times the pattern should appear.

Can I find a pattern that appears in multiple words?

Yes, you can modify the regex to match across multiple words. For example, the regex `(\w).*\1.*` will match any text that contains a word that appears twice, regardless of the words in between. The `.*` matches any characters (including spaces) between the words.

How do I find a pattern that appears in a specific position in the word?

You can use a lookahead assertion to specify the position of the pattern. For example, the regex `(?=^.{3})(\w)` will match any word that has a character in the third position. The `(?=^.{3})` is a lookahead assertion that checks if the current position is 3 characters from the start of the string.

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